The power of n database            

The power of n database is a new generation of database extremely technologic. Endeed, mounir language gives you a powerful data storage. It's a 5D database, It's independent from operatings systems so that works without any o.s, very fast in execution even in network, it's a relational database that gives you many ways and tools to create lot of queries in several formats and presentations. It's printable database and it is network. It's also a totaly secured and mastermind database, practicaly it's not just a sample data storage but a mastermind database, your data or inputs can't be lost - never - your are infinitly saved.

Storage in the power of n database is unlimited and mathematicly very technologic and more quantitative comparatively with the other databases sql or non sql databases. The power of n database is a big industrial data.

The power of n database is two kinds of databases, standard and entreprise. Power of n database standard is a natif and an empty database for new projects creation. Meanwhile, power of n database entreprise is a prepared database, business database, robotic database, ready for many purposes for exemple the power of n database entreprise for business managements or the power of n database for industrial managements. We can use the power of n database in many projects as erp or mrp it solutions, as control system of machines and devices, as robotic system of machines and devices .

Meanwhile, the power of n database can read all others databases, sql databases or non sql databases and convert them totaly, all of theirs data to the power of n database. However, you can't read the power of n database with the all others programming languages because simply the all others progamming languages are binary system. And any binary system is uncapable to read any mounir language software.

Having said, the power of n database has a new system named 5D system. This system not means a continuous system of 3D graphics. It's absolutly far from 3D and completly different from 3D. Endeed, 5D system is simply a new system database that make the power of n very industrial and extremely technologic.


What's the power of n database ?

Mounir language created a new database called the power of n database. This is a new concept database that use many systems such as soul system, 5D system, storage system dimension, send system, ssc.

Is power of n database artificial intelligence ?

Is not. The power of n database is a real mastermind creature higher in intelligence ever that store data infinitly and communicate with what you are under higher system security and protection to input and output what you need.